Technical Information

Technical information

En-Tout-Cas Surfaces PERFECT CLAY OE

Category :
    Sports / Recreation > Ground / Promenade > 

Aesthetically pleasing ground that can be used even when exposed to some rain


This clay pavement is made by adding special water-repellent en-tout-cas substances to sandy clay to enhance the soil. It is resistant to rain, frost, weeds, and dust.


  1. The color can be adjusted by mixing special en-tout-cas substances for a soil-based pavement with beautiful coloration.
  2. Excellent water-repelling property, good drainage, and resistant to becoming soft or muddy when exposed to some rain.
  3. It can also be used for tennis courts thanks to its moderate hardness.


  • Schoolyards
  • Multipurpose grounds
  • Tennis courts
Inabe Nishi Nursery School (Inabe, Mie)
Kyoto University tennis courts
Kusauchi Kizugawa Athletic Park
Sumiregaoka Elementary School
National Osumi Youth Nature House

Typical Cross Section