Technical information
Flow-resistant Asphalt LARGE AGGREGATE ASPHALT

Category :
Paving Methods > Roadway > Flow / Abrasion / Skid Resistance >
Superior to ordinary asphalt pavement in terms of load-bearing capacity
This asphalt mixture is made with large coarse aggregates with a maximum particle diameter of over 25mm (1.0in). The meshing effect of large aggregates supports loads and provides excellent resistance to deformation. In addition, since each leveled layer can be made thicker than conventional pavement, this mixture is frequently used to implement the thick-lift method for rapidly replacing pavement.
- The effective meshing of aggregates accounts for excellent flow resistance and abrasion resistance.
- Can also be applied to the surface layer by adding vegetable fibers to improve the texture of pavement.
- The thick-lift method can be implemented to shorten the amount of time needed for construction.
- Wearing Course, Binder Course, or Base Course for heavy traffic roads, work yards, and parking lots
- Traffic-controlled works that requires early opening to traffic

Typical Cross Section