Technical Information

Technical information

Colored Drainable Pavement COLOR PERVIOUS

Category :
    Paving Methods > Roadway > Drainage Pavement > 

Drainage pavement with excellent landscape and identification


This colored drainage pavement is used for the surface layer of roadways and consists of a permeable porous asphalt mixture colorized with pigments and colored aggregates.


  1. In addition to the features of drainage pavement Pervious, traffic safety measures can be implemented: Color identification to clarify lane markers, alert drivers, and provide visual guidance.
  2. Appearance: Colors suitable for the roadside environment can be rendered.
  3. Functional sustainability: As increases in road surface temperatures are inhibited by colorization, potholes are less likely to be created, and functional sustainability is enhanced.


  • Bus lanes (identification)
  • Roads for daily life, commercial shopping streets, roads around tourist spots (landscape)
  • Inside tunnels (bright colors)


The Nakasendo route (Kakamigahara city, Gifu)
Example of application for the colorization of bus lanes
Example of application to landscape pavement along the embankment of a moat
Color sample