Technical information
Induction Heating Pavement Remove SMARTREMOVE

Category :
Paving Methods > Roadway > Maintain / Repair >
Gently removing asphalt pavement from steel deck slabs with Induction Heating (IH) technology
This is a method for gently stripping away the existing asphalt pavement from steel deck slabs by harnessing electromagnetic induction heating (IH) technology to heat steel deck slabs and soften the adhesive layer underneath the surface of the asphalt pavement.
Principles of heat generation: (1) When an electric current is passed through a heating coil, magnetic field lines are generated. (2) These magnetic field lines cause an eddy current to flow through steel slabs. (3) The steel deck slabs heat up because of the electrical resistance of iron.
- Work noise is reduced by approximately 20 dB relative to conventional methods*. Effective for application to sites where construction noise needs to be reduced.
*Chipping at pavement using conventional breakers (approx. 90-100 dB)
Stripping away pavement using the Smart Removal method (approx. 70-80 dB)
- Removal of asphalt pavement from steel deck slabs

steel deck slab