Technical information
Tracked Treads (Continuous Track) Resistant Pavement TREAD RESISTANT ASPHALT

Category :
Paving Methods > Roadway > Flow / Abrasion / Skid Resistance >
Pavement with superior load-bearing capacity and durability that can moreover economically accommodate heavy loads
This tracked treads resistant pavement is made with a special gap-graded asphalt mixture fortified with hard asphalt cement (Tread Resistant Asphalt) and is used to constitute the surface layer of asphalt pavement.
- Capable of substantially resisting tracked treads’ movements and the rotations of solid tires.
- Superior impact resistance and load-bearing capacity.
- More affordable than concrete pavement.
- Excellent abrasion resistance and resistance to the freeze-thaw cycle.
- Runways on which tracked vehicles with tracked treads (continuous track) and super-heavy-load vehicles run and heavy equipment pools
- Material storage yards, log yards, physical distribution facilities
- Bridge surface pavements
- Roads in snowy and cold regions

Right : In-plant passageways subjected to super-heavy loads
Typical Cross Section