Technical Information

Technical information

Concrete Bumper Adhesive SYSTEMROAD 2000

Category :
    Product > Pavement Material > 

Firmly affix curb stoppers and boundary blocks


An adhesive for affixing curb stoppers to the ground in parking lots.


  1. Water soluble: Safe to apply as the substance is nonflammable and emits no strong odors.
  2. Ease of use: Easy to use as this adhesive consists of a single-component product packaged in a tube.
  3. Versatility: Can be applied to both concrete and asphalt pavements.


  • Curb stoppers in parking lots
  • Blocks delineating median strips and the boundary between sidewalks and the road
Applying the adhesive on the curb stoppers
Contents (1kg)
Application procedure: Clean the surface to be bonded → apply the adhesive → install the block and cure.
Illustration of the adhesive strength of this product
Application example: Bonding curb stoppers in parking lots
Application example: Bonding blocks delineating median strips and boundary lines
System Road 2000 (black)
Cross-sectional view