Technical Information

Technical Information


Products and construction methods applicable to Anti-slip Material

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(1 items)

  • Salt (Calcium Chloride) & Sand Ice Melter THE SUBERAN

    Salt (Calcium Chloride) & Sand Ice Melter THE SUBERAN

    Effectively melt snow and inhibit ice formation by simply spraying road surfaces.

    An anti-slip and snow-melting / ice-inhibiting material made from a mixture of special sand and calcium chloride packed in bags. Simply spray this mixture on road surfaces to help melt snow and inhibit the formation of ice. It can be easily stored or kept at all times in vehicles etc.

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        Product > Anti-slip Material > 
Common name Product name Overview
Salt (Calcium Chloride) & Sand Ice Melter THE SUBERAN

An anti-slip and snow-melting / ice-inhibiting material made from a mixture of special sand and calcium chloride packed in bags. Simply spray this mixture on road surfaces to help melt snow and inhibit the formation of ice. It can be easily stored or kept at all times in vehicles etc.

(1 items)