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Technical Information


Products and construction methods applicable to Railway

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(1 items)

  • Solar Heat-blocking for Railroad Rail PERFECT COOL RAIL

    Solar Heat-blocking for Railroad Rail PERFECT COOL RAIL

    Specialized solar heat-blocking paint inhibits the elongation of railroad rails due to high temperatures in summer

    This special treatment mitigates increases in the temperature of rails on hot summer days and inhibits the elongation of rails due to thermal expansion by applying the special solar heat-blocking paint developed for railroad rails to the sides of the rails.

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    • Feature mark :
    • Category :
        Civil Engineering > Railway > 
Common name Product name Overview
Solar Heat-blocking for Railroad Rail PERFECT COOL RAIL

This special treatment mitigates increases in the temperature of rails on hot summer days and inhibits the elongation of rails due to thermal expansion by applying the special solar heat-blocking paint developed for railroad rails to the sides of the rails.

(1 items)