SDGs 2030 Targets

Regarding the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), we have begun our full-fledged efforts in FY2019 to promote the understanding of the SDGs among our employees through study sessions and explanatory meetings.
From FY2020, in order to contribute to the SDGs through our CSR activities, we have decided on specific actions in each of the following areas: "Creation of a Low Carbon Society," "Creation of a Recycling-Oriented Society," "Ensuring Safety," "Human Resources Development," "Promotion of Diversity and Inclusion," "Promotion of Work-Life Management," "Health Management," and "Thorough Compliance".

SDGs 2030 Targets

Objective Objectives of relevant SDGs Concrete initiatives Target for fiscal year 2030
Building a low-carbon society

・Reducing CO2 emissions (amount of reduction by our own efforts) and implementing measures against global warming

Production Dept.Energy-saving burner
Construction Dept. and Production DeptExhaust-controlled machinery
General Technology Dept., Construction Dept., and Production Dept.Pavement with heat-shielding, low-noise and water-retention capabilities, and warm-mix asphalt technologies
Production Dept.Shifting factory fuel from heavy oil to town gas
General Technology Dept.Development of photovoltaic generation pavement and development of pavement that improves fuel efficiency of vehicles

Reducing CO2 emissions by 270 tons compared to fiscal year 2019
Building a recycling-based society

・Reducing the percentage of waste for final disposal

Construction Dept. and Production Dept.Recycling business
General Technology Dept.Development of recycled asphalt mixture technologies and development of soil decontamination technologies
Environmental Business Office Soil decontamination business

Maintaining zero emission of waste (0.8% or lower of waste for final disposal)
Securing safety

・Reducing the number of industrial accidents

All Depts.No fatal accidents
General Technology Dept.Development of safety technologies for heavy machinery and development of safety technologies for workers

No fatal accidents
Nurture human resources

・Nurture human resources who play an important role in the improvement of corporate value.

Personnel Dept.Job training based on training plan

Effective job training based on nurture human resources plan
Promote diversity and inclusion

・Promote career advancement of women

Personnel Dept.Recruiting more female employees

Percentage of women out of new graduates recruited: 25%

・Promote career advancement of employees with disabilities

Personnel Dept.Employment quota for persons with disabilities

Percentage of employees with disabilities: 3.0% (or above the statutory employment quota)
Promote work-life balance management

・Promote workstyle innovation

Personnel Dept. Encouraging employees to take days off and percentage of annual leaves taken
General Technology Dept.Development of technologies to improve productivity of paving work

Actual number of days off per year: 115
Percentage of annual leaves taken: 70% or above

・Promote the use of systems and programs for balancing work and family

Personnel Dept. Percentage of childcare leaves taken

Percentage of eligible employees who take childcare leave
Male 15% or above and female 90% or above
Health Management

・Maintaining health of employees

Personnel Dept.Percentage of employees who underwent medical checkups, percentage of employees who underwent re-examinations and checking of job stress
All Depts.Separation of smoking areas

Percentage of employees who underwent medical checkups and re-examinations: 100%
Stress indicator: 80 or below
Ensuring compliance

・Verifying legal compliance

All Depts.Carrying out legal compliance checks

・Compliance with Antitrust Laws

Legal Dept.Providing training on the Antitrust Laws

Carrying out legal compliance checks